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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

29th July 2011
Hiking - Walking: Newbourne to Waldringfield
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: cloudy and cool
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 7.36 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Not sure what to do today as the summer has disappeared again being cloudy and cool :( with only light northerly winds forecast we decided after breakfast at home to do the walk we did yesterday with the kids we look after from the adventure playground at Newbourne down to the River Deben near Ramsholt but to continue up river and have luch at The Maybush at Waldringfield :)
So we parked up at the playground and lucky for Mag she could borrow a fleece from some friends on the park as she had forget hers and it was decidely nippy !!! We followed the duck boards at the start of the walk again seeing baby frogs past the lovely little church at Hemley and onto the banks of the Deben.We headed up river past the sign which said the footpath was closed due to erosion and sadly they were right for after half a mile the path stopped and we had to turn back :( but the fact we saw two seals laying in the marshes made up for our disappointment :)
We had to walk back to Hemley church and head along the bridleway over farm land,past the clear water pond at Waldringfield which was full of colourful rudd :) past the busy Waldrinfield ailing Club - loads of kids out sailing and onto the Maybush for a great lunch of steak and kidney pudding :)
Refreshed from our break we headed back along the river but had to retrace our steps again when we ran out of path again !!! We saw a fox run in front of us on the bridleway but it is a poor time of year for birds not seeing much of anything :( So despite of the cool,cloudy day we really enjoyed our 7 mile stroll in the Suffolk countryside :) Looks like a poor wind weekend so perhaps more walking ???

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